What if: a Star Wars trilogy about Palpatine's ascent?

Suppose that (perhaps instead of the sequel trilogy, or at some other point in time) it had been decided to make a trilogy of films about Palpatine's youth and his ascent to power? Well, if that's the plan from the get-go, nixing the old Expanded Universe won't be in the cards anymore. After all, James Luceno already wrote roughly two-thirds of what you could put in such a trilogy, and did it better than anyone else realistically could.

Just take Darth Plagueis, Darth Maul: Saboteur and Cloak of Deception. That's a pretty solid start. Include Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter by Michael Reaves and The Tenebrous Way by Matthew Stover, too. Then you can add what you like from The Wrath of Darth Maul by Ryder Windham, Restraint (a short story by Luceno), Jedi Council: Acts of War by Randy Stradley, Star Wars: Darth Maul by Ron Marz and Maul: Lockdown by Joe Schreiber. Simply hire Luceno to weld this all together into one coherent narrative, and to fill in the remaining gaps in the saga. You now have everything you need for a true "historical epic" about the rise of Palpatine, which additionally gives us everything about Plagueis and Maul.

The whole saga would cover 35 years. Since Luceno is a veritable continuity god, none of it would contradict the pre-existing EU, and literally everybody who even remotely likes Star Wars would love it to bits. Luceno—one of the best Star Wars authors, if not outright the best—could even write the novelisations for the "new parts" of the overall saga, and these could be sold along with new editions of the aforementioned books. (You could have a whole omnibus dedicated to this!)
