A competently-run Galactic Empire?
Emperor Palpatine's methods of governance were, to put it succinctly, a disaster. All things considered, it's a miracle that the Galactic Empire lasted as long as it did. Just how deeply-rooted was the mismanagement? Well... pretty damn deeply rooted, as it turns out. The fact of the matter is: Palpatine was an evil space wizard, whose power was derived from the Dark Side. Which happens to get stronger due to pain, fear, suffering, anger, hate... all that stuff. So it makes sense for Palpatine to deliberately organise his Empire in such a way as to cause those things on a massive scale. An effective government was never his goal: he wanted a needlessly cruel system to exist.
This, of course, wasn't conducive to stability and true order. The rise of rebellion and dissent was an inevitable by-product of Palpatine's machinations. The question "What would a well-run Galactic Empire have looked like?" has been asked on occasion. Well, for starters, it would have to be an Empire without Palpatine. But that wouldn't nearly be enough. In fact, if it hadn't been for all those insane warlords, the death of Palpatine and his top cronies at Endor would actually have been a blessing for the Empire! Of course, those warlords did exist. And so did a lot of other insane, sadistic, megalomaniacal or otherwise deeply unsuitable Imperials in positions of power.
But let's speculate. What if Palpatine and his gaggle of goons had been almost entirely wiped out in one fell swoop, at some opportune moment? (A moment after the Empire was well and truly entrenched, but before the Rebellion really got its act together.) And what if, by fortunate happenstance, the more competent Imperials had survived this incident? Since I don't care for the Disney canon, my analysis here will rely entirely on the original continuity, a.k.a. the old Expanded Universe. (I will, however, ignore the justly maligned Jedi Prince series, so the characters exclusively appearing therein will be left out of consideration. I will also treat The Clone Wars as being part of Disney canon exclusively, since it clashes too much with the rest of the old EU— so no Ahsoka here, either.)
My basic conjecture is that the Imperial leadership was so thoroughly rotten that removing the rot in some dramatic way automatically means killing almost the entire top of the imperial ruling class. This calls into question whether the Empire can be saved. Even if only the not-actually-insane top officers survive... would they be able to maintain control, with so many key figures dead? On the other hand, if they do manage it, we'd be looking at a fundamentally different Empire. One that doesn't waste time on Dark Side nonsense and guaranteed-to-increase-suffering deliberate mismanagement. No matter how it turns out, the idea is worth exploring.
First, let's set the scene: in 6 BBY, Emperor Palpatine organises a gathering of the Empire's elite. There is surely some public ceremony to justify the meeting, but the Emperor's underlying motivation is to put all the ambitious schemers in one place. That way, he can observe how they interact, and thus attempt to divine the various schemes, conspiracies and rivalries. Naturally, the Empire can't just be left unattended. A number of top officers that have been deemed less likely to be actively scheming (at this time or at all) are sent out on active missions, and are thus not present. Similarly, many local governors are also far away, seeing to their own affairs.
Palpatine's plans go utterly awry when he—and his other Force-sensitive cronies present in the Palace—suddenly feel a strange, disconcerting sensation. The reality is that an unknown party has infiltrated the Palace's subterranean lower levels, carrying Ysalamiri in portable cages. When these are brought closer to the surface levels where the gathering is taking place, the Force negation bubbles projected by the animals suddenly render all Force-sensitives unable to use their supernatural powers in any way. Before this can be comprehended by anyone, though, it is already too late: a vast explosion (caused by a hypermatter-based bomb) rips through the Palace. There is literally just a vast crater left behind, and everyone present has perished instantly.
The most notable people who die here are, of course, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. Wilhuff Tarkin is also one of the victims, as is his wife, Thalassa Tarkin. A great number of the most cruel, scheming and ambitious Imperial officers also die. So do the sadistic cronies that comprise Palpatine's court. All Imperial Inquisitors of any standing are likewise present, as is the elite contingent of the Royal Guard. Imperial Senators clearly loyal to Palpatine have also been invited. Finally, some powerful citizens of the Empire are present.
All in all, the following people perish in the explosion (in addition to Palpatine, Vader, and the Tarkins):
Key Imperial officers
Conan Antonio Motti
Natasi Daala
Armand Isard
Ysanne Isard
Kendal Ozzel
Treuten Teradoc
Kosh Teradoc
Demetrius Zaarin
Danetta Pitta
Peccati Syn
Griff Takel
Miltin Takel
Osvald Teshik
Rufaan Tigellinus
Nial Declann
Vilim Disra
Foga Brill
Sander Delvardus
Gaen Drommel
Delak Krennel
Ennix Devian
Imperial officers who are also Imperial advisors
Llon Banjeer
Paltr Carvin
Rodin Hlian Verpalion
The Emperor's court
Sate Pestage
Crueya Vandron
Sarcev Quest
Mas Amedda
Ars Dangor
Kinman Doriana
Janus Greejatus
Sim Aloo
Roganda Ismaren
Kren Blista-Vanee
Bregius Golthan
Fendrilon Koozar
Alec Pradeux
Coh Veshiv
Gam Rothwall
Bal Jaset
Kaja Or'Zee
(Those who would be) members of Carnor Jax's conspiracy
Norym Kim
Burr Nolyds
Redd Wessel
Xandel Carivus
Mahd Windcaller
Inquisitors / Dark Jedi
Antinnis Tremayne
Adalric Cessius Brandl
Mox Slosin
Boc Aseca
Loam Redge
Gwellib Ap-Llewff
Lanu Pasiq
Royal Guards
Carnor Jax
many others
Prominent citizens
Orman Tagge
Silas Tagge
We may safely assume that due to having failed in their duty (and it not having been done by a traitor in their own ranks this time), Kir Kanos and the remaining Royal Guards commit suicide as per their conditioning. So that's them out of the way. The 6 BBY date also means that the illegitimate child of Roganda Ismaren and Sarcev Quest, Irek Ismaren, isn't born. (He was born in 5 BBY.)
So, at this point... who is in charge of the Empire? Due to this unexpected development, the Imperial elite has been wiped out, as has Palpatine's cohort of Senate cronies. The rump Senate is no doubt in chaos, though. Someone will have to establish order. We can easily compile a list of the "someones" we know that could be involved in that.
Surviving Imperials of note
Ardus Kaine
Octavian Grant
Josef Grunger
Afsheen Makati
Martio Batch
Blitzer Harrsk
Gideon Tarkin
Cassio Tagge
Wullf Yularen
Moradmin Bast
Maximilian Veers
Betl Oxtroe
Tiaan Jerjerrod
Firmus Piett
Voss Parck
Gilad Pellaeon
Pter Thanas
Soontir Fel
Gastos Niovi
Lorth Needa
Ragez D'Asta
Tann Starpyre
That's essentially a "who's who" of the... well, if not morally decent, then at least capable Imperials. Going by the ranks and the known talent, one would expect Kaine, Grant and Grunger to form a ruling triumvirate. Makati and Batch would be right below those three, and a supportive cohort of top Imperial officers would be formed by Harrsk, Tarkin, Tagge and Yularen. (Note that Harrsk hasn't suffered the major brain damage that drove him insane, and thus remains an excellent officer at this point.) The other officers mentioned are all the type to support an officer's cabal if it can restore order, but wouldn't be part of the high command. (I suspect many readers will be inclined to over-estimate Thrawn: keep in mind that he's just a Captain at this point.)
This cabal of Imperial officers would presumably have the overwhelming loyalty of the armed forces. At the same time, the Senate would still exist, and would consist primarily of those not slavishly loyal to Palpatine. With the regime's position precarious, drastic moves like disbanding the Senate seem unlikely. Things could veer off in many directions from here on out, but one distinct possibility is that the Empire-without-an-Emperor is rather more moderate, rather more effective and rather more benign than Palpatine's rule ever was. This might prevent the Alliance to Restore the Republic from really coalescing. On the other hand, the Empire would be severely weakened, so those already opposed to it might deem this their best opportunity to take action.
In any event, there would be a number of lives dramatically affected by this scenario:
It would make sense that Cassio Tagge's younger siblings, Ulric and Domina, would survive. They were very effectively side-lined by their oldest two siblings, so chances of them being present at the Palace at this juncture would be very slim. The already given list of survivors would also imply that certain relatives of noted surviving Imperials (for example, Rivoche Tarkin and Feena D'Asta) could go on to play a major role later.
Less certain is the future of Mara Jade (12) and Shira Brie (14). The former had already begun being trained (and warped) by Palpatine, but the Emperor is now dead. Shira Brie won't even have entered the Academy yet, let alone be discovered as Force-sensitive by Darth Vader. What becomes of these two is a complete mystery, but chances are, it won't be the same as in the original timeline.
Definitely changed are the lives of Jaalib Brandl (11), Yun (11) and Brakiss (c. 5), all three of whom became Dark Jedi in the original timeline. Still children here, with the events that turned them to the Dark Side averted, their lives will surely be very different. Jaalib's father is dead, and he is raised on Trulalis by his mother. Yun never meets Sariss. Brakiss never gets drafted into Imperial service.
Qu Rahn and Morgan Katarn aren't nearly that young, but their would-be killer has just been vapourised. They may both live longer than in the original timeline, which will also profoundly affect the life of Morgan's son, Kyle Katarn. The same goes for Hal Horn (a.k.a. Valin Halcyon), who is likewise set to survive, which will impact the life of his son, Corran Horn.
It's unclear when Ranik Solusar was killed. Even if he is already dead, his son Kam Solusar was only captured and brain-washed years thereafter. Kam's future may thus be completely different as well.
Then, there's the matter of Ederlathh Pallopides— Emperor Palpatine's grand-niece, and by the original timeline's 7 ABY, his potential heir. She hasn't been born yet by 6 BBY, but her parents (of whom we know precisely nothing) are presumably still alive. And one of them could be argued to be the legitimist heir to the Imperial Throne. Might the junta of governing officers seek to put a puppet on the throne?
With the Emperor, Vader, and most of their more dangerous subjects now dead, the time would be right for Obi-Wan, Yoda, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis and various other liberty-minded people to put their plans into motion. Re-uniting Luke and Leia, revealing their Force-sensitivity and the fact that they're siblings (if probably not the fact that their dad was Darth Vader), seems like a logical step. They can now be safely trained. Qu Rahn, Morgan Katarn, Kyle Katarn, Hal Horn and Corran Horn could also potentially be brought into the fold.
At the same time, the cataclysmic annihilation of the Empire's governing elite no doubt has a severe impact on all Imperial institutions. The young Han Solo presumably won't get the exact same assignment a year down the line. This means he never meets Chewie. Han says in the Imperial military, and Chewie remains a slave.
And somewhere, in an out-of-the-way corner of the Galaxy, a large spherical superweapon is still being constructed. Very few know about it, and the surviving top Imperials who do know will keep very quiet. This might just be the ace up their sleeve...
Before I conclude this piece of speculation, allow me to stress that Palpatine is Dead For Real. The Ysalamiri used in the attack on the Palace automatically prevented his evil spirit from surviving his physical destruction. He's completely gone, and he can't possibly return under any circumstance.
Now, if we take the above, and skip ahead six years, we are looking at a Galaxy where various factions have begun their attempts to shape the post-Palpatine Galaxy in their own image. Whatever story we tell, it may very well begin with the words "It is a period of civil war..."
This, of course, wasn't conducive to stability and true order. The rise of rebellion and dissent was an inevitable by-product of Palpatine's machinations. The question "What would a well-run Galactic Empire have looked like?" has been asked on occasion. Well, for starters, it would have to be an Empire without Palpatine. But that wouldn't nearly be enough. In fact, if it hadn't been for all those insane warlords, the death of Palpatine and his top cronies at Endor would actually have been a blessing for the Empire! Of course, those warlords did exist. And so did a lot of other insane, sadistic, megalomaniacal or otherwise deeply unsuitable Imperials in positions of power.
But let's speculate. What if Palpatine and his gaggle of goons had been almost entirely wiped out in one fell swoop, at some opportune moment? (A moment after the Empire was well and truly entrenched, but before the Rebellion really got its act together.) And what if, by fortunate happenstance, the more competent Imperials had survived this incident? Since I don't care for the Disney canon, my analysis here will rely entirely on the original continuity, a.k.a. the old Expanded Universe. (I will, however, ignore the justly maligned Jedi Prince series, so the characters exclusively appearing therein will be left out of consideration. I will also treat The Clone Wars as being part of Disney canon exclusively, since it clashes too much with the rest of the old EU— so no Ahsoka here, either.)
My basic conjecture is that the Imperial leadership was so thoroughly rotten that removing the rot in some dramatic way automatically means killing almost the entire top of the imperial ruling class. This calls into question whether the Empire can be saved. Even if only the not-actually-insane top officers survive... would they be able to maintain control, with so many key figures dead? On the other hand, if they do manage it, we'd be looking at a fundamentally different Empire. One that doesn't waste time on Dark Side nonsense and guaranteed-to-increase-suffering deliberate mismanagement. No matter how it turns out, the idea is worth exploring.
First, let's set the scene: in 6 BBY, Emperor Palpatine organises a gathering of the Empire's elite. There is surely some public ceremony to justify the meeting, but the Emperor's underlying motivation is to put all the ambitious schemers in one place. That way, he can observe how they interact, and thus attempt to divine the various schemes, conspiracies and rivalries. Naturally, the Empire can't just be left unattended. A number of top officers that have been deemed less likely to be actively scheming (at this time or at all) are sent out on active missions, and are thus not present. Similarly, many local governors are also far away, seeing to their own affairs.
Palpatine's plans go utterly awry when he—and his other Force-sensitive cronies present in the Palace—suddenly feel a strange, disconcerting sensation. The reality is that an unknown party has infiltrated the Palace's subterranean lower levels, carrying Ysalamiri in portable cages. When these are brought closer to the surface levels where the gathering is taking place, the Force negation bubbles projected by the animals suddenly render all Force-sensitives unable to use their supernatural powers in any way. Before this can be comprehended by anyone, though, it is already too late: a vast explosion (caused by a hypermatter-based bomb) rips through the Palace. There is literally just a vast crater left behind, and everyone present has perished instantly.
The most notable people who die here are, of course, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader. Wilhuff Tarkin is also one of the victims, as is his wife, Thalassa Tarkin. A great number of the most cruel, scheming and ambitious Imperial officers also die. So do the sadistic cronies that comprise Palpatine's court. All Imperial Inquisitors of any standing are likewise present, as is the elite contingent of the Royal Guard. Imperial Senators clearly loyal to Palpatine have also been invited. Finally, some powerful citizens of the Empire are present.
All in all, the following people perish in the explosion (in addition to Palpatine, Vader, and the Tarkins):
Key Imperial officers
Conan Antonio Motti
Natasi Daala
Armand Isard
Ysanne Isard
Kendal Ozzel
Treuten Teradoc
Kosh Teradoc
Demetrius Zaarin
Danetta Pitta
Peccati Syn
Griff Takel
Miltin Takel
Osvald Teshik
Rufaan Tigellinus
Nial Declann
Vilim Disra
Foga Brill
Sander Delvardus
Gaen Drommel
Delak Krennel
Ennix Devian
Imperial officers who are also Imperial advisors
Llon Banjeer
Paltr Carvin
Rodin Hlian Verpalion
The Emperor's court
Sate Pestage
Crueya Vandron
Sarcev Quest
Mas Amedda
Ars Dangor
Kinman Doriana
Janus Greejatus
Sim Aloo
Roganda Ismaren
Kren Blista-Vanee
Bregius Golthan
Fendrilon Koozar
Alec Pradeux
Coh Veshiv
Gam Rothwall
Bal Jaset
Kaja Or'Zee
(Those who would be) members of Carnor Jax's conspiracy
Norym Kim
Burr Nolyds
Redd Wessel
Xandel Carivus
Mahd Windcaller
Inquisitors / Dark Jedi
Antinnis Tremayne
Adalric Cessius Brandl
Mox Slosin
Boc Aseca
Loam Redge
Gwellib Ap-Llewff
Lanu Pasiq
Royal Guards
Carnor Jax
many others
Prominent citizens
Orman Tagge
Silas Tagge
We may safely assume that due to having failed in their duty (and it not having been done by a traitor in their own ranks this time), Kir Kanos and the remaining Royal Guards commit suicide as per their conditioning. So that's them out of the way. The 6 BBY date also means that the illegitimate child of Roganda Ismaren and Sarcev Quest, Irek Ismaren, isn't born. (He was born in 5 BBY.)
So, at this point... who is in charge of the Empire? Due to this unexpected development, the Imperial elite has been wiped out, as has Palpatine's cohort of Senate cronies. The rump Senate is no doubt in chaos, though. Someone will have to establish order. We can easily compile a list of the "someones" we know that could be involved in that.
Surviving Imperials of note
Ardus Kaine
Octavian Grant
Josef Grunger
Afsheen Makati
Martio Batch
Blitzer Harrsk
Gideon Tarkin
Cassio Tagge
Wullf Yularen
Moradmin Bast
Maximilian Veers
Betl Oxtroe
Tiaan Jerjerrod
Firmus Piett
Voss Parck
Gilad Pellaeon
Pter Thanas
Soontir Fel
Gastos Niovi
Lorth Needa
Ragez D'Asta
Tann Starpyre
That's essentially a "who's who" of the... well, if not morally decent, then at least capable Imperials. Going by the ranks and the known talent, one would expect Kaine, Grant and Grunger to form a ruling triumvirate. Makati and Batch would be right below those three, and a supportive cohort of top Imperial officers would be formed by Harrsk, Tarkin, Tagge and Yularen. (Note that Harrsk hasn't suffered the major brain damage that drove him insane, and thus remains an excellent officer at this point.) The other officers mentioned are all the type to support an officer's cabal if it can restore order, but wouldn't be part of the high command. (I suspect many readers will be inclined to over-estimate Thrawn: keep in mind that he's just a Captain at this point.)
This cabal of Imperial officers would presumably have the overwhelming loyalty of the armed forces. At the same time, the Senate would still exist, and would consist primarily of those not slavishly loyal to Palpatine. With the regime's position precarious, drastic moves like disbanding the Senate seem unlikely. Things could veer off in many directions from here on out, but one distinct possibility is that the Empire-without-an-Emperor is rather more moderate, rather more effective and rather more benign than Palpatine's rule ever was. This might prevent the Alliance to Restore the Republic from really coalescing. On the other hand, the Empire would be severely weakened, so those already opposed to it might deem this their best opportunity to take action.
In any event, there would be a number of lives dramatically affected by this scenario:
It would make sense that Cassio Tagge's younger siblings, Ulric and Domina, would survive. They were very effectively side-lined by their oldest two siblings, so chances of them being present at the Palace at this juncture would be very slim. The already given list of survivors would also imply that certain relatives of noted surviving Imperials (for example, Rivoche Tarkin and Feena D'Asta) could go on to play a major role later.
Less certain is the future of Mara Jade (12) and Shira Brie (14). The former had already begun being trained (and warped) by Palpatine, but the Emperor is now dead. Shira Brie won't even have entered the Academy yet, let alone be discovered as Force-sensitive by Darth Vader. What becomes of these two is a complete mystery, but chances are, it won't be the same as in the original timeline.
Definitely changed are the lives of Jaalib Brandl (11), Yun (11) and Brakiss (c. 5), all three of whom became Dark Jedi in the original timeline. Still children here, with the events that turned them to the Dark Side averted, their lives will surely be very different. Jaalib's father is dead, and he is raised on Trulalis by his mother. Yun never meets Sariss. Brakiss never gets drafted into Imperial service.
Qu Rahn and Morgan Katarn aren't nearly that young, but their would-be killer has just been vapourised. They may both live longer than in the original timeline, which will also profoundly affect the life of Morgan's son, Kyle Katarn. The same goes for Hal Horn (a.k.a. Valin Halcyon), who is likewise set to survive, which will impact the life of his son, Corran Horn.
It's unclear when Ranik Solusar was killed. Even if he is already dead, his son Kam Solusar was only captured and brain-washed years thereafter. Kam's future may thus be completely different as well.
Then, there's the matter of Ederlathh Pallopides— Emperor Palpatine's grand-niece, and by the original timeline's 7 ABY, his potential heir. She hasn't been born yet by 6 BBY, but her parents (of whom we know precisely nothing) are presumably still alive. And one of them could be argued to be the legitimist heir to the Imperial Throne. Might the junta of governing officers seek to put a puppet on the throne?
With the Emperor, Vader, and most of their more dangerous subjects now dead, the time would be right for Obi-Wan, Yoda, Bail Organa, Mon Mothma, Garm Bel Iblis and various other liberty-minded people to put their plans into motion. Re-uniting Luke and Leia, revealing their Force-sensitivity and the fact that they're siblings (if probably not the fact that their dad was Darth Vader), seems like a logical step. They can now be safely trained. Qu Rahn, Morgan Katarn, Kyle Katarn, Hal Horn and Corran Horn could also potentially be brought into the fold.
At the same time, the cataclysmic annihilation of the Empire's governing elite no doubt has a severe impact on all Imperial institutions. The young Han Solo presumably won't get the exact same assignment a year down the line. This means he never meets Chewie. Han says in the Imperial military, and Chewie remains a slave.
And somewhere, in an out-of-the-way corner of the Galaxy, a large spherical superweapon is still being constructed. Very few know about it, and the surviving top Imperials who do know will keep very quiet. This might just be the ace up their sleeve...
Before I conclude this piece of speculation, allow me to stress that Palpatine is Dead For Real. The Ysalamiri used in the attack on the Palace automatically prevented his evil spirit from surviving his physical destruction. He's completely gone, and he can't possibly return under any circumstance.
Now, if we take the above, and skip ahead six years, we are looking at a Galaxy where various factions have begun their attempts to shape the post-Palpatine Galaxy in their own image. Whatever story we tell, it may very well begin with the words "It is a period of civil war..."
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