Eight ways they could have improved... Firefly

Firefly could've easily had two or three full 26-episode seasons, if Fox hadn't fucked the series over so completely. I wish to note that I like the series as it is (flaws and all), and that a longer run could also have tarnished it. I don't really need a longer series. But assuming it's actually good... sure, let's go for it.

— The way I see it, they could've introduced an ethnically Chinese main character in the second half of the first season, and a few more Asian recurring characters. A fun twist would've been to show that a lot of the Core is ethnically East Asian, and that it's the periphery that's so predominantly white. (To prevent the possible negative implication that East Asians are oppressors and whites are the oppressed, just introduce an Asian politician as a sympathetic and reform-minded Core Worlds statesman, and a typical Old White Guy as the leader of the corrupt government faction.)

— Increasingly show the draw-backs of the formerly "Independent" planets (robber barons etc.), while also increasingly showing that there are sympathetic politicians on the Core Worlds. We learn that the 'verse is more nuanced than Mal's perspective had made it seem.

— The second season builds up to and then covers the events from the film. Despite it being Whedon, I'd prefer no or (at least fewer) protagonist deaths.

— The third season shows us the fall-out of the Miranda revelation, with a new Civil War being a looming possibility. Eventually, Mal (having learned a few lessons), realised that the more militant "Neo-Independents" trying to instigate a new conflict are themselves corrupt and hypocritical. (And that not all of the Core political class is evil and out to exploit the other worlds.) Moderates from all worlds eventually form a coalition that sees both the corrupt administration and the radical Neo-Independents ousted. A fragile new accord concludes the series, with all the planets now united in a far more egalitarian and somewhat more decentralist union.

— Such a third season could also see the Operative return, since the fall-out of having your whole world-view wrecked is sure to be interesting. Besides, more Chiwetel Ejiofor is always good.

— I think the widely-shared fan theory that Book was some sort of proto-Operative back in the day was more interesting and plausible than the backstory he ultimately got in the 2010 comic The Shepherd's Tale, so I'd prefer to include confirmation of the fan theory in the series at some point.

— I imagine that there could be lots of opportunities for appearances by Eliza Dushku, Dichen Lachman, and various other Whedon favourites. Harry Groener channeling his turn as the hilariously evil Mayor Wilkins in Buffy's third season as he portrays the evil President of the Alliance in this series? I could see it!
