Of late, I've seen multiple discussions about the notion of a 'multiverse' in Star Wars. This is no doubt sparked by the almost certainly spurious rumours regarding the supposed impending creation of one. I've written about that notion here , and I personally think you could do some fun things with it. But putting those rumours completely aside, let's talk about the notion of a multiverse in general. I know some people don't like the idea, and they may well have solid arguments to support that position. I'd like to argue, however, that Star Wars actually already is a multiverse. Or, to put it more accurately, I think it's a metaverse . After all, the term "multiverse" can be understood in two general ways, in fiction. In one meaning, you have points of divergence, resulting in different parallel universes where "things went otherwise". (In the context of Star Wars , a comic like Star Wars Infinities: A New Hope is an example ...